Event Information
The 10th Chemical Nanoscience Symposium in Newcastle will be held on:
2nd April 2020
Bedson Building, Newcastle University
From 9:30 Registration, poster set up and refreshments in the Faraday room
10:45 Welcome, opening remarks
10:45- 11:10 Dr Ismael Diez Perez, KCL (UK)
Title: Bio-engineering a single-protein wire
11:10–11:35 Dr David Brockwell, Leeds University (UK)
Title: TBA
11:35–11:50 Dr Daniel Tetlow, Manchester University (UK)
Title: Exploring synthesis by rotaxane-based artificial molecular machines
11:50–12:35 Professor Harry Anderson (Oxford, UK)
Title: Synthesis of Molecular Wires and Nanorings: Exploring Aromaticity on the Nanoscale
12:35–1:40 Lunch and Poster Session
1:45–2:25 Professor Lydia Siller, Newcastle University, (UK)
Title: TBA
2:25–3:05 Professor Dave Adams, Glasgow University, (UK)
Title: Controlling self-assembly across length scales in supramolecular gels
3:05-3.20 Dr Lorenzo Di Michele, Imperial College London (UK)
Title: Self-assembled frameworks of amphiphilic DNA nanostructures
3:20-3:45 Dr Hideyuki Mitomo, RIES, Hokkaido University, (Japan)
Title: Active orientation tuning of gold nanorods using DNA brushes
3:45-4:00 Dr Osama El-Zubir, Newcastle University, (UK)
Title: TBA
4:00-4:10 Refreshment break
4:10-4:55 Professor Adam Wooley, BYU (USA)
Title: DNA-templated assembly of inorganic materials and their electrical characterization
4:55- Poster prize and drinks reception