Professor Rob Upstill-Goddard

Professor Rob Upstill-Goddard of the School of Natural and Environmental Sciences has been named President-elect of the UK Challenger Society for Marine Science.
He will take over as President for a period of two years immediately following the Society’s biannual Challenger conference, which will be held at the University for the first time in September 2018. This is the premier Ocean Science meeting in the UK attended by hundreds of researchers from the UK and world-wide with an associated marine science technology exhibition.
Professor Upstill-Goddard said: “I consider my forthcoming appointment as President of the Challenger Society for Marine Science to be an immense honour. I join a long list that includes some highly esteemed colleagues indeed. I do very much hope that this appointment, but even more so the 2018 biennial Challenger Conference to be hosted by the University, will serve to further enhance the visibility and reputation of marine science at Newcastle”.
The Challenger Society dates from 1903 and is the premier UK society for marine scientists, with several hundred established researcher and student members. Among its many objectives are the advancement and application of marine science through research, education and outreach.
Last modified: Fri, 01 Dec 2017 13:04:09 GMT