Tour Dates and Itinerary

PLEASE NOTE: At present, there are no Study Tours available for registration. However, if you would like to log your interest to participate in future tours, please contact the School of History, Classics & Archaeology at Newcastle University.

Tour Dates

The first Hadrian's Wall Study Tour has been scheduled to run from 23 May-25 May 2016, over three full days. At present, only one tour has been scheduled, though if there is sufficient demand, further tours may be scheduled.


Tour Itinerary

Each day, the tour will include a number of activities, and these activities and visits planned for each day are as follows:

DAY 1, Monday 23 May:

 DAY 2, Tuesday 24 May:

DAY 3, Wednesday 25 May:

  • Chesters Roman Fort and Museum
  • Corbridge Roman Town
  • Newcastle Roman Fort
  • Closing reception