Organising committee
- Phillip Lord (General Chair)
- Georgio Gkoutous (General Chair)
- Jennifer Warrender (Local Chair and Workshops)
- James Skelton (Local Chair and Website)
- Aisha Blfgeh (Local Chair and Publicity)
- Chris Wroe (Posters)
- Francisco Couto (Programme Committee)
- Chris Smith (Sponsorship)
- Matt Horridge (Papers)
- Robert Hoehndorf
- Jesualdo Fernand
Programme committee
- Austin Meier - Planteome, OSU, USA
- Barry Smith - SUNY Buffalo, USA
- Chris, Mungall - LBNL, USA
- Christopher Baker - UNB Saint John, Canada
- Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann - Uni Zuerich, UK
- Eugene Zhang, OSU - USA
- Helen Parkinson - European Bioinformatics Institute
- James Malone - FactBio
- Janna Hastings - Babrahm Institute
- Laurel Cooper - Planteome, OSU, USA
- Ludger Jansen - University of Rostock, Germany
- Mark Jensen - University at Buffalo, USA
- Matthew Brush - Monarch Initiative, OHSU, USA
- Nicole Vasilevsky - Monarch Initiative, OHSU, USA
- Paul Schofield - University of Cambridge, UK
- Prashanti Manda - UNC Chapel Hill, USA
- Robert Stevens - University of Manchester, UK
- Simon Jupp - European Bioinformatics Institute, UK
- Stefan Schulz - Medizinische Universität Graz, Austria
- William Hogan - University of Florida, USA
- Yongqun He - University of Michigan, USA