Computational Neurology in Epilepsy
Welcome to Computational Neurology in Epilepsy: Data science for clinical researchers | October 5th, 2023
This session is a satellite event to the ILAE British Branch Annual Scientific Meeting held 2.-4. October in Gateshead. It will be focused on computational methods for epilepsy research.
About the meeting
There is currently a skills shortage in the understanding of machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), and statistics, particularly in neurology. The aim of this one-day session is to highlight opportunities for computational approaches to epilepsy research, and showcase ongoing research using these techniques. With the one-day workshop as a starting point, we aim to build a community of epilepsy researchers interested in the use of computational techniques for patient benefit.
Our one-day session will have three key types of educational content. First there will be tutorial talks, where epilepsy research is presented alongside real time demonstrations of the ML/AI methods used to generate the results. Code and resources will be made freely available at the session and can be used by attendees for their own research. These tutorial talks will assume little or no prior experience, and will be accessible to a clinical audience. Second, there will be talks from senior investigators presenting real-world examples of advanced computational analyses being used in the clinic. Third, to build a community, we will invite rapid fire presentations from PhD, postdoc and early career researchers that are looking for collaborations. The talks will either present on new ML/AI methods or on clinical research questions that may benefit from ML/AI methods. Finally, we will facilitate regular opportunities for networking across disciplines through regular breaks. Throughout, we will be supported by a digital platform such as slack/discord to ensure that participants and continue networking and building a community after the event.