Conference Overview

Key Themes PDF 331Kb

Beyond Due Process and the Rule of Law: The attached document provides an overview of why the Magna Carta is not a document to be celebrated in a simplistic fashion, but one which continues to provide solace to both radical and reactionary politics in the United Kingdom. 

Directions to Newcastle Law School PDF 124Kb

Directions to Newcastle Law School, where participants will be met by a reception team and shown to the venue room.


We're looking forward to welcoming attendees to this one-day symposium, with events following this running order.

All presentation sessions will take place in Seminar Room 3 of Newcastle Law School:


Registration                 10.30-11.00


Welcome                     11.00-11.15


Speakers:                    Kevin Crosby


Session 1                     11.15-13.00 The UK’s “Civilising Mission” and the Context of Magna Carta


Speakers:                    Ruth Houghton

                                   Se-shauna Wheatle

                                   Colin Murray


13.00-14.00 Lunch


Session 2                     14.00-15.45 Exceptionalism in Constitutional Discourse


Speakers:                    Dimitry Kochenov & Suryapratim Roy

                                   Henry Jones

                                   TT Arvind


Close                           15.45-16.00